Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Dan Savage At UNCA

The so called anti-bullying and gay rights activist is set to speak at UNCA this month. He claims to be against bullying, but he fact is, he is only against it towards specific groups of people. Everyone else, including pro-lifers, Christians, Mormons, God, and anything to do with the Bible. Even so, he claims to be anti-religious, yet he attacks one specific religion (blaming his upbringing).

Savage is a prime example of a boy who was forced into circumstances he could not control and then bullied and made fun of because he was not like all the other boys. As a result, in adulthood, he has decided to go on the defensive and bad mouth anything to do with what happened to him during his childhood. He has shifted his anger about what happened onto all who share any similarities to those who treated him badly.

For one to say, that is not understandable would be wrong. It is understandable that a grudge such as this can be held for a lifetime if one wants, and it is especially hard to give up wanting to see a group related to these problems not suffer out of desire for revenge. The problem with it is, he is suppose to be speaking against hate speech and hate acts, but as his incident earlier this year made clear, he is only speaking for one community. Instead of being a spokesperson against bullying (especially since he seems to verbally abuse and bully those who do not agree with him or have the slightest difference of opinion), perhaps he should be more specific and just be a spokesperson for the gay community only because he is not an anti-bullying activist. He is, however, an activist for homosexual rights.

Overall, his reception at UNCA will no doubt be welcoming.

1 comment:

  1. Sorry to disagree, but being an activist for the rights of homosexuals and against bullying are one in the same. You have to be have been born gay to understand this.
